Covid-19 : Parents / Carers Code Of Conduct 2020

Due to the current restrictions and to ensure our nursery is as safe a place as we can make it for all in our community, we have drawn up a Parents Code of Conduct

We request that you follow the guidelines below ...

As a Parent/carer I will

  • Work with nursery to help bring my child(ren) back.
  • Recognise and support the nursery in any adaptations or modifications made to make returning to nursery possible.
  • Maintain a distance of 2 metres with all others outside my household when on nursery grounds.
  • Ensure my child (and siblings) stay with me while we are waiting and do not run about in the garden area.
  • Leave the nursery grounds directly after pick up/drop off.
  • Keep my child at home if they are unwell or showing any of the symptoms of COVID-19.
  • If any member of the household shows symptoms I will ensure the nursery is notified and will isolate for the recommended time period.
  • Communicate with the nursery through phone calls or email in the first instance.
  • Ensure all contact details are current/up to date. (Nursery requires a minimum of two numbers / emails).
  • Ensure that at least one contact will be available to pick up at short notice (this would be necessary if your child develops symptoms of COVID-19 whilst at nursery).
  • Call the nursery by 10:00am if my child will not be attending nursery.

We thank you for your understanding and commitment to the above guidelines
