A Typical Day at Nursery

Session Registration.
Upon arrival at nursery, each child's attendance is recorded on the register at the main entrance.

Please ensure this is done for every session! This is essential for your child's safety and for insurance purposes.

Play Sessions
There are currently four rooms within the Church for the children to use as well as the large outdoor area. These are set up ready for the play sessions prior to the children's arrival.

The practitioners will work with you to provide as smooth a transition from home to nursery as possible.

The children are split into two groups; Ducklings (for the younger children) and Swans (for those children going to school in September 2024) with the Ducklings in the main hall and the smaller side room, Swans have the top of the main hall and the larger side room. Both groups have access to art and craft space, home corner, reading/library area, construction and small world plus other areas that change across the day based on the individual children's interests.

During each session the children are encouraged to participate in short 'focus groups' relating to their ages, next steps and individual needs.

The Swans group have already been introduced to more structured activities including developing additional skills such as getting changed for p.e, turn-taking and waiting in adult-led group activities, letter formation, recognising their name & taking responsibility for their own belongings and these will continue as we go through to the end of the Summer term in July 2024.

The children also have access to the garden area.

Snack Time
Both groups offer a 'free-flow' snack bar between 9.20 and 10.00am that the children may access when they wish.

A selection of fresh fruits & vegetables, together with a themed snack are available when appropriate.

Lunch Time
All children attending nursery during the morning session will sit down for lunch at about 11.45am.

After lunch, those children staying for the afternoon continue to play, while those going home will get ready for collection.

The children arriving for the afternoon session (at 12.30pm) will go straight into their play rooms. They will be marked on the register upon arrival.

Afternoon Session
The afternoon session follows much the same structure as the morning although there is no snack time. If your child would like a drink in the afternoon we provide water throughout the day or they can have something from their lunchbox.

The full range of activities is still on offer - again with the option to go outside, weather permitting.

Home Time
At the end of the morning session or the end of the day, the children are prepared for home time ready for your arrival. Please remember to contact us if you are unable to get here on time.

We are not insured to have children on the premises beyond 3.45pm and if we are unable to contact anyone we are obliged to contact social care in accordance with our safeguarding responsibilities.