Please be reminded that ONLY players who have been approved by the League are eligible to play in your fixtures.
It is the responsibility of each club to check that the players are registered before proceeding to play them, which can be done easily by accessing the Player Registration Portal. You MUST also check that a player is not showing as suspended before playing them.
As a reminder, any players submitted to the League for approval up to 12pm on a Saturday, will be approved to play in the fixture on Sunday however you will be required to login and check to confirm their registration has been completed before proceeding to play them.
Any registrations to be completed after 12pm on Saturday must follow the Matchday Signing procedure and be emailed no later than 8.30am on Sunday. Please be reminded however that Matchday Registrations are limited to 2 PLAYERS ONLY.
Should anyone have any questions in relation to the registration of a player, please contact Registration Secretary; Bob Warner, on 01206 542219.