Important Info – Shrub End & Mile End

From this season onwards, Mile End and Shrub End will have moveable goals instead of the static goals previously in place.

Whilst the league acknowledges that this will require a small amount of extra work for teams, we do believe that if looked after correctly,this will greatly improve the quality of the penalty areas, particularly at Shrub End.

Please therefore read the following instructions to be followed with immediate effect:

League Instructions

◾ HOME TEAMS are responsible for the placement of the corner flags on the pitch and the return of the corner flags to the main building after the game.
◾ HOME TEAMS are responsible for the unlocking/locking of the goals, and their movement between the designated areas before and after the game. The Away team can be asked to assist or can volunteer to help.
◾ HOME TEAMS must report any damage to the goals or padlock must be to the League Secretary.

Instructions from Colchester City Council

◾ Before the match, the goals should be in the off-centre area of the pitch.
◾ You will need to unlock the padlocks using the combination code provided and roll the goals forwards/backwards to their correct positions – there will be dashes/P’s marked in the ground to show where the posts are supposed to go.
◾ After a match, you will need to roll the goals forward to just off centre of the pitch, so that the goals do not cover any of the white lines and use the chains and combination padlocks to lock the goals together so that they are facing each other.

Please note that Goals MUST NOT be pushed sideways

It will be the responsibility of the home team to provide this information to the away team when confirming any fixtures and as the hirer of the pitch for any fixture where you are the designated home team, you have responsibility for ensuring that the above actions are completed.